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Books I’ve Read
Advice for freelancers
Eric Davis (@edavis10)
A tumblelog from a freelance developer and bootstrapper
Trying to switch from xmonad to i3. Bit of learning this weekend.
Going to race a 15k on a golf course in the rain tomorrow. Won’t be fast but should be fun.
“iTunes Store Podcast Approved Notification” Just in time for Freelance Chi #2
Potato soup after a run in the rain: bliss
Anyone using an alternative ios mail client? I’m tired of bugs in
Trying to get all the moving parts for publishing a podcast to move in the right direction
The smoothie is the perfect fruit and vegetable delivery vehicle
Interesting how you can start an 8 mile run feeling like shit and finish feeling better.
Seeing some significant differences between Strava and Runkeeper on the same run
One downside about using surveys to guide my writing is picking only one topic each week
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